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Pictures by: michael r smith


01-  National flags off Congress Square in Ljubljana ……...

02-  Transport systems in the city …………………...…..……….

03-  View east to the mountains ….………….…………………..…

04-  Congress Square ……………….……….….……………………..…

05-  Restaurants at the arcade along the Ljublanica ....….

06-  Bubble man in Preseren Square ……….….….…..……...…

07-  Inside the grounds of Ljubljana Castle .……………………

08-  View from the top of the castle looking west .…..…..

09-  Ljubljana Castle walls …………….……………..……...….…..

10-  The Ljubljanica River .………………………………………..……

11-  Bridges over river below Franciscan Church …………….

12-  Jetty near the Botanic Garden ……………………..………..

13-  Graffiti at Metelkova .……………………………….…….……..

14-  Bullock in the park ………………………………………………..…

15-  Lily pads on Lake Bled ………………………………....….…….

16-  Agricultural scene in the northern hills ……….……..….

17-  Bled Castle Island in Bled Lake ……………….…….….…….

18-  Vintgar Gorge ………………………..………………..……………..

19-  The sun through the forest canopy .………….………….….

20-  Mezakla Mountains and farmland ,………………..………...