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Pictures by: michael r smith


01-  Stortorget Square, Gamla Stan, Stockholm ….………….

02-  Back street in Gamla Stan …..…………………………….....

03-  Strombron Bridge to Gamla Stan …….….……..……….…

04-  Stadshuset from the Mainland ……..……………………..…

05-  The waterfront, Stadshuset ….….….…………………...….

06-  The brick walls of City Hall ………….……………..……..……

07-  The Golden Room ………………….………………………….……..

08-  View of Riddar Holmen ….………..…………………..….….…

09-  Boats on the Riddarfjarden ………..…………….…...……..

10-  Riddar Holmen from the tower ………….….………….…….

11-  The Vasa ….…………………..……………..………..………….....

12-  Skeppsholmen across the waters ….………………….…..…

13-  Karlaplan fountain ………………….……….…..….…….…....

14-  Church tower …………...……….…….…..……………….….…

15-  Hotorget market ……………………………….…………..….…..

16-  Drottningholm Palace …………………..…….…………..…….

17-  Marquee in palace grounds ………………………….……………

18-  Swedish allotments, Kolonilotter …….……..…………....

19-  Chefs in Ekstedt fire restaurant …………………….……..…

20-  An old Swedish cottage at Skansen ………………….…....